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domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Substance - A Brazilian Gothic Collection

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1. Lua Nigra - Fogos
2. Scarlet Leaves - Absinthe Tears
3. The Knutz - You are the wonder
4. Plastique Noir - Empty Streets
5. Days are Nights - Guerra Fria
6. Escarlatina Obsessiva - Where sank one million ships
7. Jardim do Silêncio - A minha tragédia
8. Projeto Reinfield - Mists
9. Bells of Soul - I see your name in the sky
10. Discotronike - Convict
11. Enjoylive - My favorite Sin
12. A Industrya e Rodrigo Helfenstein - Lies
13. Alle Sterne Sterben - Me restaram somente flores
14. Elegia - Bunker de Papel
15. A Última Dança - 11 de junho
16. Vitrine - Estranhos sonhos
17. Low Hipnóise - The Sanctuary
18. Gargula Valzer - Carrions Hunger
19. The Silent Party - An Instant of Difference
20. A Banda Invisível - Quando As Almas Se Encontram

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